Behind the Scenes: The Life of an Online Casino Host

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Source: Pixabay

As anyone who has spent any time in an online casino knows, it’s not all about the flashy games and glittering bonuses. Customer support is an essential part of a good gambling experience. You need to know that you’ll be properly taken care of, no matter what issue arises.

Online casino Customer Support Specialists must, therefore, be friendly and rigorously trained, and must behave like consummate professionals at all times. This is no easy task, but working as one of these hosts is as rewarding as it is fascinating. We spoke to a host who works at a leading online casino to find out more about their job, what it entails and what the perks are.

Do Customer Service Agents Use Pseudonyms?

Yes, often! If our names are unusual or long, we’ll change them so they’re easier to remember. Some people also like to do this so that they can keep their personal and work lives separate.

Most Common Online Casino Queries?

Most questions are about some aspect of the deposit or withdrawal process. Often bonuses are also queried, and I have to explain their terms and conditions or how to opt out of a deposit bonus that is triggered automatically. My favourite is when I can help a player cash in on a promotion or claim a special bonus!

Questions about the games themselves are a lot of fun too, and we do get asked for strategy tips and advice a lot. Of course, when players ask us this type of question we always start by saying that wins are never guaranteed, and then move on to giving some helpful suggestions.

Do You Encounter a Lot of Different Characters?

I definitely do! That’s part of what makes my job such a fun challenge. I think it’s pretty established that different casino games appeal to different personalities, and I’ve really seen that first-hand.

Table game and slot game players are quite different, because table gamblers will want to discuss strategy while slots enthusiasts just want help cashing out or claiming prizes. Within those categories there are differences too though; some players are just here for a good time and are happy to socialise with me, but others take everything very seriously and get to the point immediately. Obviously, social players have less idea of how the online casino business works so their questions tend to be more naïve.

How Has the Support Industry Changed Overtime?

The biggest change is probably the introduction of live chat. Most players choose to use that, because it has the quickest response time and is the least disruptive to gameplay. I had to develop new communication skills for this platform, since communicating in real time over text is unlike anything else. Social media also brings new communication opportunities and challenges; we have to be able to respond to Twitter and Facebook queries very promptly. As technology, especially the use of mobile devices, has developed, we’ve had to field a lot more questions related to browsers and software too.

What is the Best Part of the Job?

Resolving issues so that players can get back to enjoying their online gambling time as quickly as possible! Having said that, I do also really enjoy the more technically challenging queries because they let me use another part of my brain. I also really love the sessions where we play new games before they are released, to make sure we know what they’re all about. There’s not really a lot that I don’t like about my job; I’ve definitely found my calling.

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