Bring The Glamour Of The Casino Home!

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A brilliant addition to the world of online slots games, European Blackjack adds a variety of features to this beloved casino classic. Often cited as the most played casino game in the world, blackjack has long been a favourite of home gamers, but Switch Studios has made sure that European Jackpot is a cut above. The game is due for release on the 15th of May 2019, which means you’ll soon be able to take the glitz, glamour and luxury of the Vegas Strip home or carry it in your pocket. Adaptable and accessible, it is ideally suited for both novices and experienced players, thanks to its sleek and simple interface, streamlined approach to the game and clear and engaging graphics and soundtrack. Whether you’re hoping to pass the time or aspiring to win big, this online casino will make you feel like a high roller in no time at all!

An Introduction to the World of Blackjack

Blackjack originated in the United States and is a variation on the classic game Twenty-One. Today, many different forms of the game exist, but the standard aim is to reach the target number – twenty-one, of course. To do this, the player is pitted against the dealer, who will deal two cards. The face value of these cards is added up, in order to get the total. Jacks, queens and kings count for ten, while an ace can be either one or eleven.

The player then has a choice: request another card or stay with what they have. Go over twenty-one and the hand is lost. Get closer than the dealer and they’ll rake in the cash. The game is normally played with two decks, although some versions use one. European Blackjack opts for the former, while also including some nifty features that give this classic game a new spin.

A Versatile Approach to Casino Gaming

Today, we’re playing games in new ways and new settings. Switch Studios understands the importance of adapting your game to your way of playing, which is why European Jackpot works in both desktop and mobile mode. The latter also allows for the player to seamlessly switch between landscape and portrait views, so you can choose what you feel most comfortable with. The visuals can also expand and contract to suit a range of screens, from desktops and laptops to tablets and mobiles, all without losing the crisp graphics that make the game so appealing in the first place.

The studio has also created Left Hand mode to make gaming easier for left-handed players. What was once Deal becomes Clear and vice versa; similarly, Hit and Stand will change places, Split and Double will be reversed and Yes and No will switch. All you have to do is select Left Hand mode in the settings menu and you’ll have a game that’s been thoughtfully optimised for your convenience.

Turbo-Powered Thrills

Sometimes you just want a quick game without the hassle, especially when you’re in a hurry. Switch Studios clearly had that in mind when they came up with the Turbo Mode feature. This speeds up the pace of the on-screen animations, so your cards will be dealt quicker and, similarly, cleared more swiftly after a hand has been finished. By making the game move at a brisker pace, you’ll be able to squeeze in a few more hands during the day, whether you’re waiting for the train, taking a coffee break from work or filling the spare time between meetings.

Double the Rewards

Vegas high rollers are no strangers to big bets and taking risks, but that’s the mindset you need to be the best. It’s also the philosophy behind the Double Down feature. If the face value of your first two cards totals nine, ten or eleven, this might just be the option for you. It allows you to double your bet and receive one additional card; if the card is enough to make you the winner, then you’ll take home double your original bet. Are you ready to take the risk?

An In-Game Insurance Policy

Sometimes the best strategy is to play it safe and cut your losses. If the dealer’s first card is an ace, you might decide to play on the defensive. That’s where the Insurance Bet option comes in. This new bet will be half the value of the current bet and will be paid to you if the dealer manages to score blackjack, that is, twenty-one. This way, a lost hand won’t set you back quite as much and you’ll be able to hold on to some of your hard-earned coins.

The Game Is On

Once you’re ready to throw your hat in the ring, all you have to do is log in or create an account. Then, it’s just a matter of trying your hand at the game and becoming the king of the casino!

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