Digital Marketing Technology Applied To Online Casinos

Source: Pixabay

Any casino website digital marketing campaign or promotion depends on accurate high-quality data. And like many other businesses, the information provided by Google Analytics to online casinos is one of the most useful sources of such marketing data. Good analytics can not only confirm the extent to which your advertising has been successful in generating web traffic, but the analysis can also suggest ways of making campaigns and other forms of web marketing even more effective.

Analytics can also return further information about your visitors to Canadian online casinos, such as how they arrived at your site, how many were mobile users, and how many moved on to other third party sites. Perhaps even more importantly, analytics technology can confirm how many of your visitors were then converted into customers who decided to spend money on your website.

The importance of data for online casino SEO strategies

Anyone operating an online casino in Canada will know that search engine optimisation (SEO) is all about creating a reliable set of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). What KPIs actually do is give you feedback about the extent to which your digital marketing strategies are working effectively. For instance, as the operator of a Canada online casino gaming site, you would definitely want to know how much of your website traffic arrives as a direct result of a particular promotion or advertising campaign. That particular KPI would, for instance, inform your decision about whether or not to repeat a particular campaign.

And for those visiting your online casino website, it is very important to know which pages they viewed, for how long, and how much cash they spent at each location. That data might tell you a lot about which pages were performing most effectively. And if there were any unexpected discrepancies revealed by these statistics, then the KPI information would give you a head start in sorting out any problems.

Casino site marketing teams will also be very interested to learn about the click-through rate (CTR) from adverts placed in particular locations. Those that work well and send lots of traffic to the site may well be worth using on a regular basis. But those ads that perform poorly may either need to be revamped, or perhaps relocated altogether. In each case, it’s the KPI feedback which determines the effectiveness of the SEO strategy and/or points to ways in which it may need to be modified.

PPC metrics in online gambling

Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising campaigns are a way to ensure that the kind of audience an online casino wishes to attract are the ones most likely to see their advertising material. In other words, it enables ads to be used in a targeted, cost-effective manner, rather than adopting a costly ‘scatter-gun’ approach of showing the same ads to a much larger audience, many of whom will have no particular interest in such content.

PPC as practised by Google (by far the largest advertising platform) is driven by keywords. If someone enters a search query which includes the term like ‘online slots’, it is a fair assumption that they may well be interested in online casinos. And the same could be said for a search which included the words ‘blackjack soft 17’. So it would be worthwhile an online casino displaying adverts to such people. Google can arrange for casino advertising to appear on the pages of the search engine results it displays to such users, but casinos must pay for the privilege.

For online casinos, as for every other sector, certain keywords (e.g. ‘winning payouts’) are a highly relevant way to identify potentially interested customers. And the more lucrative and profitable a keyword is likely to be, the more it will cost the advertiser, who must bid against rival companies for the right to use such keywords in their advertising campaigns. Once an advertiser secures the use of a certain set of keywords, the eventual cost of the advertising will depend upon the number of users who click on the adverts they see. That’s why it is described as pay-per-click advertising.

Clicking a PPC ad will take the user through to your online casino site landing page. That page will, of course, need to be carefully designed to encourage the visitor to get involved in your site. Otherwise, if the page does not offer what the user wanted to see or do, the money spent on PPC advertising to get him there will have been wasted.

Source: Pixabay

Social media analysis

Many online casino marketing campaigns exploit social media virality, and successful marketing efforts usually have a strong social-media focus. Online casinos now understand that social media platforms don’t usually respond well to banner ads constantly blaring out their unsubtle messages to the online social media audience. Strategies in social media environments need to be more carefully considered. For instance, certain social media platforms, such as Instagram, may appeal to a different type of audience (probably younger) than a site like Facebook (which often has a more mature audience). So as with any form of advertising, online casinos need to choose which social media channels will be most useful to their cause.

Consulting social media analytics, gambling companies will be able to analyse and interpret the messages and feedback provided by audiences on different social sites. Data gathered in this way can identify the platforms most frequently used by the demographic which will be most receptive to marketing and promotions related to online casino gambling. Furthermore, sophisticated data gathering can also capture and specify the interests and concerns of the desired target group.

Armed with an array of data about the lifestyle interests of their target audience, gambling companies can use this information to drive and inform their own content marketing. The intention is always to engage the audience by providing content which is interesting and useful to them e.g. sport analysis, gaming strategies, competitions, appropriate cultural topics and more. And once users begin to share and recommend humorous adverts, YouTube videos, articles and other media, this becomes a very relevant, and also very cheap, way of raising the profile and brand awareness of any gambling website.

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