Celebrate Earth Day with JackpotCity Online Casino


Source: Unsplash Photo by: Noah Buscher

Every April, people around the world celebrate Earth Day as a way to give back to our planet and learn about the issues facing the environment. The Earth is going through a hard time with climate change and pollution affecting the natural world, so it’s more important than ever to look for ways to pamper our planet.

It’s no secret that online casinos are a green choice—they use less electricity than their on-land counterparts and require no travel to visit. Playing your favourite games at JackpotCity can be a great way to be Earth-friendly this Earth Day…or any other time. Read on for more ways to celebrate Earth Day, this April and all year round.

The history of Earth Day

Even though the Earth has been around for billions of years, Earth Day has only been a thing since the 70s. According to EarthDay.org, over 190 countries are involved in Earth Day celebrations and more than 1 billion people take part each year. Everyone celebrates differently, from making changes to their lifestyle to cleaning up their local lakes to learning about gardening.

The holiday was first adopted in the United States in response to the increased environmental issues due to fossil fuel use and pollution from industry. Over the last 50 years, these issues have continued to worsen, and many people have become more environmentally conscious as a result.

Today, Earth Day is a good chance to take stock of how we’re doing in our conservation efforts and look for new ways to protect the planet. You can make a difference in the fight against climate change by focusing on your own carbon footprint or taking action to demand change from corporations and lawmakers. Here are 10 ideas and events to consider this April 22nd, from little green activities to exciting adventures.

1. Make sustainable swaps

A great way to be kind to the planet on Earth Day and beyond is to make some sustainable lifestyle changes. This doesn’t have to be extreme like selling your car or converting your home to solar energy overnight. Instead, you can look for sustainable swaps that can make a small difference in how you impact the planet. Here are some ideas:

World mask

Source: Pixabay

2. Clean up your community

One of the most obvious signs of pollution is litter. So if you’re looking to help the Earth, cleaning up your community is a great place to start! Many towns have established clean-up programs that allow volunteers to help pick up trash and recyclables on the side of roads or in public areas. Look for events around Earth Day—or host your own if you don’t see one.

An easy way to help clean up your community is to bring a bag with you whenever you go on a hike or walk. Pick up trash and debris along the trail so the next group that walks it can enjoy a better view. Make sure you have gloves or sanitizer to avoid picking up any germs along with the trash.

3. Raise money for a cause

If you want to give back to environmental causes, there are lots of charities that rely on donations to help them with their mission. Consider using social media to raise awareness of your favourite eco charities. Here are some great organizations in New Zealand that are doing work for the Earth:

4. Spend time outside

Getting out in nature is a great way to remind you why it’s so important to protect the Earth. In New Zealand, we’re lucky to have so many beautiful natural retreats just a short drive away.  Enjoy an Earth Day walk through the woods or take a bike ride along the coast. While you’re out, take in the beauty of the landscape and observe the wildlife and plants around you. April a good time to visit national parks or just take a walk in the countryside.

Here are some great local sights to see this Earth Day:

Tongariro National Park

Source: Unsplash Photo by: Kay Liedl

5. Measure your carbon footprint

If you want to make changes to your lifestyle that are good for the Earth, then start by seeing how you’re doing right now. You can find tools online to calculate your carbon footprint by taking into account your transportation methods, your home size, your habits, and more.

The Global Footprint Network’s Ecological Footprint calculator will tell you how many planets we’d hypothetically need if everyone lived like you do. According to their website, the average human uses “as much ecological resources as if we lived on 1.6 Earths.” That means that we use up resources faster than the Earth can regenerate them, which is ultimately unsustainable.

You can also see how your country or region is doing compared to others and get tips for how to reduce your footprint.

If you’re interested in supporting sustainable businesses, research the carbon footprint of different companies. Many eco-minded businesses offer sustainability information on their website.

6. Get educated

Lots of Earth Day events focus on education. You can learn about environmental issues in a fun way by attending a workshop or film viewing that gives you good insight into issues you care about. Look on event websites like Eventbrite for Earth Day events online or near you. You’ll find competitions, film festivals, discussion groups, picnics and more.

If you want something to make you think, documentaries are always helpful. Check out Planet Earth for beautiful views of our home or explore other topics on this list of Netflix documentaries.

7. Green up your home

Besides making sustainable swaps, you can make some larger changes to your home to help you be more environmentally friendly.

8. Tune up your bike (or lace up your shoes)

Gasoline-powered vehicles are one of the biggest drains on our planet’s resources. While some amount of travel via car or plane is unavoidable for most of us, this Earth Day you might want to think about ways to incorporate more green practices into your routine. Consider biking to the café or walking to the store when possible. It will not only cut back on costs but reduce your carbon emissions.

Plus, a bike ride or walk around the city is a great way to enjoy a bit of sunshine and get good exercise.

9. Make eco-friendly travel plans

Even if you commit to sustainable transportation around town, many trips for business or pleasure will often mean you have to get on a plane. Still, you can try to look for a green airline that offsets their carbon emissions or uses more efficient fuel.

It also helps to choose a green destination. If you’re traveling to a casino abroad, you can research different land-based casinos that focus on environmentalism. Or opt for a staycation or daycation and play all your favourite games at JackpotCity online casino. You’ll get all the excitement and variety of an on-land casino without having to worry about travel or being around crowds. Plus, you can play from the comfort of your own green home!

10. Go thrifting and make repairs

Textiles are another big source of waste, since we often throw away damaged clothes instead or repairing them. You can take Earth Day to learn how to perform some simple repairs yourself, like replacing zippers, hemming sleeves, or patching holes in jeans.

If you’re in the market for new clothes, consider buying vintage or looking for a green clothing company. Many companies have started exploring methods for using less water in the production process or using recycled materials to make their fabric. Or you can buy gently used clothing that might otherwise go to waste.

And when it comes time to clean out your own closet, make sure you donate clothing rather than just tossing it. Look for charities or shelters that might be in need of clothes or shoes, so they skip the landfill and have a longer life.

Think green and clean energy

Celebrating Earth Day can be a fun experience, like going for a drive in the country. One way that you can contribute is by switching to an electric vehicle – either a hybrid or a full electric plugin. These vehicle are becoming more accessible every year, and we have recently covered the exciting new features of these cars. These cars, apart from being eco-friendly, often come with a plethora of tech gadgets, such as driver assist lane tracking, emergency braking and terrifically useful projection of speed, navigation and car data onto the car windshield.

Earth Day every day

No matter what you do this Earth Day, this list is full of ways that you can be greener all year long. Whether you choose to bike more or play at an online casino instead of traveling, you’ll feel good about your green choices every time!

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